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For the rest of 2018

Here are is the plan moving forward:
  • 5k race on September 1st (harry potter themed with the proceeds going to an adult literacy program in the area!!! Accio Literacry!!!!). Reading is the best.
  • Local Half marathon September 23rd
  • Pacing 20ish miles for the Yeti 100 September 28th
  • I'm topping out at a 50ish mile week the last week of September
  • Marine Corps Marathon, October 28th
I have two longer term goals. One is qualifying for the boston marathon and one is running a 100 mile race. After this race, I will decide which I will focus on for the next year. I am aware that the boston marathon one will take years. I am not sure if running 100 miles at my age is a good idea.


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